Whom Shall I Trust?

Trust God
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you … In God I trust  …" (Psalm 56:3,4,11 ESV)

Can one really trust someone in this broken world and society? How about so called best friends or perhaps parents or children or brothers or sisters or spouse or teachers or salesmen or bankers or doctors or lawyers or religious people or machines or anyone or anything else?

Despite all doubts, yet one will somehow put his or her trust with another person or something to a certain degree and hoping for the best. I wonder if we are aware that the other person or something may disappoint us easily. A machine can suddenly breakdown without notice. A person can change his or her mind or perhaps twisting his or her words at anytime, and even worse it takes place just when we put our trust towards that other person; In short, there is no such person that is fully trustworthy.

Reflecting on Psalm 56, here we found David surrounded by his adversary, the Philistines and fear was upon him. Surrounded by difficulties and dangers, where to turn? Interestingly, David did not seek for his safety or asked mercy upon other men. First and foremost, he sought God. Why? I have no doubt in David’s mind God is eternally trustworthy – He is the same – past, present and future. He needs to put his trust on Him. It is by putting his trust on God alone, David finds the strength and confidence that he shall not be afraid, “What can flesh do to me – What can man do to me (Psalm 56:4, 11)”? He should be more afraid to the One who can destroy both soul and body for eternity (cf. Matthew 10:28). In the midst of difficult times yet David’s concern is longing to “walk before God in the light of life” (Psalm 56:13). In other words, he wants to do the things that please God and that what matters most and that is his focus.

Surrounded with so many challenges in life, whom shall I trust?
