The Moment

The Moment Sea Storm
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good …" (Genesis 50:20 ESV)

When one look at Joseph’s life, one needs to ponder of how much Joseph had gone through in his life with so many unpleasant things that took place upon him. Let us have a quick glance about this: His brothers conspired against him to kill him (Gen. 37:18-20) but Reuben, one of his brothers suggested to throw him into the pit instead of killings him (Gen. 37:21-24) and in the end he was sold to be a slave at Potiphar’s household, an Egyptian - an officer of Pharaoh – the captain of the guard (Gen. 37:28; 39:1). While working at Potiphar’s household, Joseph was then slandered by Potiphar’s wife because of his refusal of not wanting to commit adultery with her (Gen. 39:7-18) and as a result he was imprisoned for something that he did not commit (Gen. 39:20). While in prison, he helped to interpret the chief cupbearer and chief baker dreams but in the end he was forgotten by the chief cupbearer whom became successful (Gen. 40:1-23).

Surely Joseph has been treated unfairly and I am not surprise if Joseph feels that these are the moments that break his heart. Where is justice? I do not know about you but I will be screaming my lungs out for this injustice. Despite all these, “The LORD was with Joseph” (Gen. 39:2, 21). His presence never fails and He will never forsake His children (Heb. 13:5).

Towards the end, Joseph could relate to the reality that “The LORD” is with him all along and gave him the courage and love to make that famous statement in Gen. 50:20 towards his brothers who meant evil against him. Perhaps you are facing “that moment that breaks your heart” right now – be encouraged always that “The LORD is with you”.
