The Beacon
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I was reading the book of Acts in the Bible in
particular chapter 7 to do with Stephen’s speech in front of the religious
council/leaders/people of his day. There are sixty verses that cover his speech
and what takes place after that. I would encourage you to read it yourself,
starts from chapter 6 verse 8 as to help you understand why he was charged and
brought upon the religious council.
As I read through, I could not stop wondering and stand amazed with the boldness and courage that Stephen had. Mind you that he was introduced in early chapter 6 and alas in the next chapter, the Bible recorded that he was stoned to death. Indeed, I do not know what the exact length of time between chapters 6 and 7 is but seems to me on the surface is pretty short. Though his ministry only lasts one chapter but the impact is so profound and stands to be remembered by the followers of Jesus in years to come.
Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom and those so called religious people who belonged to a synagogue could not withstand him. So, what they did were secretly instigated men to tell lies against Stephen saying that he speaks blasphemous words against Moses and God. Stephen was accused for something that he did not do – he has been falsely charged. At this point, I remember what took place against Jesus as he was also falsely charged (Matthew 26:59-61). Stephen experienced something that his Lord and Saviour, Jesus, has already experienced beforehand. Out of jealousy and hypocrisy by some men, Stephen is falsely accused and this may not be a surprise for him as he knows Jesus has encountered this wickedness too. Out of the wickedness, it costs Jesus his life and perhaps Stephen is also aware of this, he has to be prepared for the possibility of losing his life because of his faith in Jesus which surely becomes a reality in the end.
In the midst of experiencing the unjust treatment, one will think that he will be fearful and maybe recant his faith in order to save his life. But that’s not the case; it is in fact the opposite. Out of his profound faith in Jesus – filled with the Holy Spirit, he took the opportunity to rebuke the wickedness – the hypocrisy of the religious council/leaders/people to repent. You can imagine how hurtful and angry this religious people are after listening to Stephen’s rebuke, yet it is the truth, but they refuse to acknowledge it. Their pride, arrogance and hardened heart have blinded them in such away that they could no longer see God’s truth that has been presented in front of their face – “This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Matthew 15:1-9; Isaiah 29:13).
Surely, they were enraged and they ground their teeth at him. They cast him out of the city and stoned him. Can you “listen” to the sound of all those stones that were thrown at Stephen? Yet, Stephen was still able to pray “Lord, Jesus receive my spirit and falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them’” echoing what Jesus said when he was on the cross (Luke 23:34, 36). I am speechless. It is an un-thinkable Stephen’s response in the midst of his un-just treatment by the people that costs him his life.
As I read through, I could not stop wondering and stand amazed with the boldness and courage that Stephen had. Mind you that he was introduced in early chapter 6 and alas in the next chapter, the Bible recorded that he was stoned to death. Indeed, I do not know what the exact length of time between chapters 6 and 7 is but seems to me on the surface is pretty short. Though his ministry only lasts one chapter but the impact is so profound and stands to be remembered by the followers of Jesus in years to come.
Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom and those so called religious people who belonged to a synagogue could not withstand him. So, what they did were secretly instigated men to tell lies against Stephen saying that he speaks blasphemous words against Moses and God. Stephen was accused for something that he did not do – he has been falsely charged. At this point, I remember what took place against Jesus as he was also falsely charged (Matthew 26:59-61). Stephen experienced something that his Lord and Saviour, Jesus, has already experienced beforehand. Out of jealousy and hypocrisy by some men, Stephen is falsely accused and this may not be a surprise for him as he knows Jesus has encountered this wickedness too. Out of the wickedness, it costs Jesus his life and perhaps Stephen is also aware of this, he has to be prepared for the possibility of losing his life because of his faith in Jesus which surely becomes a reality in the end.
In the midst of experiencing the unjust treatment, one will think that he will be fearful and maybe recant his faith in order to save his life. But that’s not the case; it is in fact the opposite. Out of his profound faith in Jesus – filled with the Holy Spirit, he took the opportunity to rebuke the wickedness – the hypocrisy of the religious council/leaders/people to repent. You can imagine how hurtful and angry this religious people are after listening to Stephen’s rebuke, yet it is the truth, but they refuse to acknowledge it. Their pride, arrogance and hardened heart have blinded them in such away that they could no longer see God’s truth that has been presented in front of their face – “This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Matthew 15:1-9; Isaiah 29:13).
Surely, they were enraged and they ground their teeth at him. They cast him out of the city and stoned him. Can you “listen” to the sound of all those stones that were thrown at Stephen? Yet, Stephen was still able to pray “Lord, Jesus receive my spirit and falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them’” echoing what Jesus said when he was on the cross (Luke 23:34, 36). I am speechless. It is an un-thinkable Stephen’s response in the midst of his un-just treatment by the people that costs him his life.
Stephen’s testimony still stands as a beacon, a light
to a lost and dying world.
I want to close with a quote from Leonard Ravenhill about Stephen:
"Everyone recognizes that Stephen was
Spirit-filled when he was performing wonders. Yet, he was just as Spirit-filled
when he was being stoned to death."
Will I have that love and courage as Stephen did
as I follow Jesus?
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