![Rest Rest](
If you look at the world, you'll be distressed.
If you look within,
you'll be depressed.
If you look at God you'll be at rest.
The quote is so true, isn't it? We look at the state of the world today, we can easily get distressed, it is not a rocket science. I don't have to tell you what it is, you can easily find it yourself when you read the news on the internet or newspaper or watching the news or listening to the news on radio and so on. There are no days gone by without any dark, evil and wicked things happening in the world. Throughout histories, mankind seems facing the same issues repeatedly. There is nothing new under the sun, the principal is the same that is wickedness lies within human heart. I wonder though, are there more wickedness happening in the 21st century compare to the past centuries?
What about when we look within ourselves? We too can easily get depressed. Today, we live in a society where pressures are increasingly and constantly placed upon us. The pressures to be wealthy, rich, beautiful, handsome, famous, smart, the top in the career ladder, and the list goes on. Then, the “comparison” attitude starts to kick in against one another and placing more pressures to oneself. Amid the pressures, we fall into the trap of craving for more in all aspects of our lives – “I want to have what others have, I want to have what the ads have offered …” No wonder, we can easily get depressed. How do we value our lives? Is it by comparing against others? Is it by having as many possessions as we can whatever that might be? Or is it something else? Have we been living selfishly all this time - all is about “I, me and myself”?
Looking at the world we can easily get distressed, looking at within we can easily get depressed. Yet, when we look upon God, the everlasting, the eternal, we will find rest. Does that mean there won’t be any issues anymore? No, we do not live in utopia, we live a real world with real people with real issues and with real pressures. However, our perspective on live changes when we truly looking upon God alone. Our lives are no longer bounded by the temporal things instead our lives are bounded by eternity in which there will be a perfect place where we can be with the Creator Himself one day, thus our hope comes from God alone. The way to be in that perfect place is no other than through Christ alone. The world and ourselves may change at any given moment, but God is faithful and unchanging. The question then why are will still pursuing all the temporal things like crazy along with the wickedness within instead of pursuing the everlasting God?
In closing, here are some food for thoughts which one may want to ask himself: What is the greatest question in all the world for me? Have I ever given thought about eternity? What is it going to be after I die? Where am I going? What will the true rest be in the end?
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