![Motive Motive](
"The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the innermost parts." (Proverbs 20:27 ESV)
Many of us live in pretentious way of some sorts. A person may smile or laugh or looks happy or being kind or being sad or any other kind of things that is reflected outwardly but yet inside the heart is actually telling a different story. The real desire of one's heart or motive can be projected differently through his outward appearance.
What do I mean by this? Someone maybe projecting kindness or sadness towards others but behind that kindness or sadness there is a far greater motive beyond the eyes can see that is to achieve the person's desire whatever that might be whether is for good or bad. In other words, the outward appearance may not what it seems - the intention is no longer pure as initially thought, there is something underneath. Sadly or not, one will find it difficult to know the real motive of others at it is kept hidden inside the heart. And how are you able to see one's heart?
What do I mean by this? Someone maybe projecting kindness or sadness towards others but behind that kindness or sadness there is a far greater motive beyond the eyes can see that is to achieve the person's desire whatever that might be whether is for good or bad. In other words, the outward appearance may not what it seems - the intention is no longer pure as initially thought, there is something underneath. Sadly or not, one will find it difficult to know the real motive of others at it is kept hidden inside the heart. And how are you able to see one's heart?
Motive then becomes everything in a way that it shapes one's character as a person for good or bad. It is telling us of "why" and "what" - "Why are we saying or doing What we are saying or doing". In the end it tells us of who we actually are. Is my motive used for common good? Is my motive glorifying the Lord? I cannot help to ponder what Jesus said regarding one's heart that can easily relates to one's motive. Listen to this:
"For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." (Matt. 15:19)
It is not surprising that Jesus always have the interest on one's heart and often he attacked the core of human's problem by pointing to the "motive of the heart" - God looks on the heart and weighs the motives (see 1 Sam. 16:7; Prov. 16:2). Jesus often confronting the Pharisees or the young rich ruler or the crowd who followed him on this particular issue. Now, you may also want to ask yourself "what is my actual motive in believing and following Jesus?"
One needs a spiritual detox - the ugliness of one's heart that has been hidden all this time needs to be uncovered and cleansed by Jesus. One may or may not like it as he is now confronted with his own ugliness and the corruption of the heart is now no longer a secret, but this toxic of the heart needs to be flushed out in sincere repentance. We are after all created in the image of God - His beautiful design, how can we let the corruption of the heart degrades us.
I love what was written by the psalmist in Psalm 139:23-24: "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" This needs to be our constant prayer in dealing with the motives of our hearts. Let's be honest and truthful, after all we cannot lie to God for He knows us inside out. Ask the Lord to teach us His way and to guide us to walk in His truth (Ps. 86:11) and may that be our constant desire. Examine our motives daily - Be accountable unto the Lord and let the Holy Spirit searches all the innermost parts of our beings.
Let me close with the following quote from A.W. Tozer:
May you have a good and Godly motive daily.
One needs a spiritual detox - the ugliness of one's heart that has been hidden all this time needs to be uncovered and cleansed by Jesus. One may or may not like it as he is now confronted with his own ugliness and the corruption of the heart is now no longer a secret, but this toxic of the heart needs to be flushed out in sincere repentance. We are after all created in the image of God - His beautiful design, how can we let the corruption of the heart degrades us.
I love what was written by the psalmist in Psalm 139:23-24: "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" This needs to be our constant prayer in dealing with the motives of our hearts. Let's be honest and truthful, after all we cannot lie to God for He knows us inside out. Ask the Lord to teach us His way and to guide us to walk in His truth (Ps. 86:11) and may that be our constant desire. Examine our motives daily - Be accountable unto the Lord and let the Holy Spirit searches all the innermost parts of our beings.
Let me close with the following quote from A.W. Tozer:
"It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular; it is why he does it. The motive is everything. Let a man sanctify the Lord God in his heart and he can thereafter do no common act."
May you have a good and Godly motive daily.
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